The Soggy Cycle: A Poem (Of Sorts)

Earlier this week in Boulder...

The ground was saturated after a weekend of rain....

The sky promised more of the same...

But the sprinklers continued to water anyway...

Even this little guy, clearly on death's door, plugged away.

Opening Day

It's May. The snow has FINALLY melted. It's stopped raining, for now.
Let the games begin.

Longmont, CO

"Tree City USA"
"A Bicycle-Friendly Community"
"Overwaterer Extraordinaire"

You Are Not Looking at a Windshield

You are looking at a sidewalk (dry, I know) decorated with a tag from a reusable shopping bag (i.e. litter).
Thankfully, the tag is not adhered to the sidewalk (or a windshield–tacky).
But the irony is too great to ignore.
(No, this photo is not staged. Yes, I discarded the tag after taking the photo.)

Why Sprinkle, When You Can Geyser?

Proper watering technique:
1st - Shoot six-foot streams into the air.
2nd - Turn the sprinkler off on and in 45-second intervals.
3rd - Yell "whee" as you run around dodging sprinklers.
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